February Stats



  • 40 Faithful Contributors
  • Over $1,600 in additional ​designated giving.

Where it goes

Ministry Operations giving ​supports three main areas.

How to Give

We want giving to be ​simple. Below are the ways ​you can demonstrate ​generosity financially.

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C​ommon Places Church​

209 Bellefonte Ave

L​ock Haven, PA 17745

Thin Line Frame Border




Because of your ​generosity . . .

  • We received more donations ​in February bringing our HVAC ​fundraising total to $5,700. ​Installation of the new system ​is anticipated for later this ​month.
  • Our church invested in our ​worship ministry and helped ​send a team from our church ​to the Alliance Worship ​Conference!

Common Places ​Youth Ministry

making disciples who trust Jesus, ​experience transformation,

and help start churches.

Youth Group at the 2023 Spring Retreat

Teen Boy Smug Illustration

How your ​giving helps

[as written by the youth group}

$50 provides 1 youth group member ​with 9 pizzas.

$100 sends 1 youth group member to ​Celebration (a youth event) twice.

$200 sends 1 youth group member to ​the District Spring Retreat with gas ​included.

$300 sends 1 youth group member to ​the District Spring Retreat twice.

$400 buys 1 youth group member 100 ​Shamrock Shakes.

The Alexanders’ Story

Giving in our family has been a priority from ​early in our marriage. Steph and I are blessed ​to both come from very similar backgrounds ​so that made it easier to make giving a ​priority. We have gone through different ​seasons but try very hard to give God our first ​fruits when it comes to finances.

Whenever things are getting tight and I start ​to pray about money, usually very quickly God ​reminds me of Malachi 3:10 when He says ​“Test me in this and see if I will not throw ​open the floodgates of heaven and pour out ​so much blessing that there will not be room ​enough to store it.”.

For me it's a matter of surrendering over my ​finances to God and trusting Him to be the ​provider for my family. That being said, God's ​blessings for our family are not limited to just ​money and I think it's important that our ​motives for giving are not just for financial ​gain. When I sit and dwell on all that God has ​given me and my family it’s overwhelming.

If this is an area of your life that is causing you ​stress, I would encourage you to remember ​that the Almighty Creator of the universe is ​throwing out a challenge to you to test Him in ​this.